giovedì 21 maggio 2009

Rosa Casado+Mike Brookes 1

4 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Veramente belle queste foto! Al di là della tecnica, credo che ci voglia una bella anima per cogliere in un attimo, quello giusto,l'intensità di uno sguardo piuttosto che la dinamicità di una posizione statica o le emozioni che un corpo sprigiona oltrepassando i limiti della pellicola. Secondo il mio punto di vista i personaggi qui fotografati ci parlano e ci emozionano.Vi pare poco? Complimenti e buon lavoro!

rosa ha detto...

Hi everyone,
congratulations, Luna! I found your photos very revealing.
From here I want to encourage you to keep working, to try to get over your tiredness and the possible difficulties you are meeting or finding out here, not only in the work but also in the living together.
I want to encourage you to keep trying to understand what you don't understand; to keep trying to find sense in what you don't find sense; to keep trying to think in what you never thought; to keep challenging and questioning what you think and your work; to try to keep your mind opened and focused...
I encourage you to think about what you might find here that you cannot find anywhere else, and take as much as you can from it.
For me it is being hard and very demanding work, and a great meeting and chance to do all that with myself, therefore with my work.

luna margherita ha detto...

grazie "anonimo" e grazie Rosa.
Your appreciation means a lot to me.

Looking forward to see you and Mike again

WEWE ha detto...

siamo molto curiosi di conoscervi. Buon lavoro atutti e arrivederci a luglio